Show /Hide Column Check box did not work properly
Show /Hide Column Check box did not work properly

Recently i implemented Show/Hide Columns . I have 1.9 version of DataTable and jquery 2.0.
It works great first time. I can able to uncheck columns and it removes the column from the grid. But when i check the checkbox it adds the column to the grid but check box never updated to Checked. After that i cannot able to uncheck that column.
After i spend few hours i figured out ColVis plug in uses following code
"_fnDrawCallback": function ()
var aoColumns = this.s.dt.aoColumns;
for ( var i=0, iLen=aoColumns.length ; i
It works great first time. I can able to uncheck columns and it removes the column from the grid. But when i check the checkbox it adds the column to the grid but check box never updated to Checked. After that i cannot able to uncheck that column.
After i spend few hours i figured out ColVis plug in uses following code
"_fnDrawCallback": function ()
var aoColumns = this.s.dt.aoColumns;
for ( var i=0, iLen=aoColumns.length ; i
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