TableTools Print + Serverside

TableTools Print + Serverside

petpet Posts: 9Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited March 2010 in General
Hi Allan, i use a serverside datatable (with pagination 10 row) and now i add the plugin tabletools for print all the table records (133 records).
First i have the problem that the print function don't display all the record of the table but only the record in the pagination(10). So i watch the TableTool js and discover that the problem is in the variable:
"_DTSettings._iDisplayLength = -1;"
that block the sql query in the LIMIT field, so i replace with this:
"_DTSettings._iDisplayLength = _DTSettings._iRecordsTotal;"
and now seems to work good.
Now there is a second problem that I can not understand: when press the button "Esc" to return to the table, i receive an error in firebug console:
json is null
if ( typeof json.sEcho != 'undefined' )
jquery...bles.js (riga 2751)
and return the table with all the records (133) without pagination and the message "Loading..." in the middle.

Best regards.


  • pgracapgraca Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited May 2010
    Pet, thanks for the tip
    I'm having exactly the same issue. Did you find solution?
    Alan, any clue?

    Why can't we also have a similar functionality for the export to excel/csv buttons? Can't we retrieve all the data prior to export? As of now, only the visible data is exported to excel.

    Thx and regards
  • tlorenzo80tlorenzo80 Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
    I have the same problem!!!
    when press the button "Esc" to return to the table, i receive the same error in firebug console.

    Nobody can help us?

    Thanks very much
  • tlorenzo80tlorenzo80 Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Nobody can help us??? :(
  • davidwburnsdavidwburns Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Seriously, a little help? I'm having this problem as well.
  • allanallan Posts: 64,069Questions: 1Answers: 10,563 Site admin
    Sorry for the delay in addressing this all. It looks like it is a bug in Firefox (which I presume you are all using?). If you issue an Ajax request in an event handler for the 'esc' key, then the XHR would appear to be cancelled... terrible.

    I found this thread discussing the issue:

    I haven't been able to reproduce this in other browsers - I'll investigate more and file a bug against Mozilla if someone hasn't already. Until then, a work around is to replace this line:

    $(document).bind( "keydown", null, fnPrintEnd );

    $(document).bind( "keydown", null, function(e){setTimeout(function(){fnPrintEnd(e)},20)} );
    I'll incorporate this into the next release of TableTools.

    @pgraca - TablesTools was really designed for the client-side only - although obviously it works to some extent with server-side processing. Since DataTables with server-side processing only knows about the display elements - this is what you get when you try to save a file on the client-side. There are a few options - 1. Get the whole data set by XHR and then put it into the client-side processing options, 2. Send an XHR asking the server to generate the XSL etc for you. Both will be somewhat easier with TableTools 2...

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