Hide Sorting Without Hiding Header
Hide Sorting Without Hiding Header

I try adding horizontal scroll to my table while hiding Search, 'Show Entries' and 'Showing.." by adding:
"sScrollx": "100%",
"sScrollXInner": "110%",
"bScrollCollapse": true
"sDom": '<"H">t'
This work perfect, except the headers labels don't show unless I click the header bar and then they appear. So I try hidding sorting, since I DON"T want sorting either:
"bSort": false
This will make the header bar show, with no header, even if I click it.
I narrow the problem to
"sScrollx": "100%"
If I take the scrolling out, every acts as expected, except, well, not scroll bar.
Anyways to have both?
I try adding horizontal scroll to my table while hiding Search, 'Show Entries' and 'Showing.." by adding:
"sScrollx": "100%",
"sScrollXInner": "110%",
"bScrollCollapse": true
"sDom": '<"H">t'
This work perfect, except the headers labels don't show unless I click the header bar and then they appear. So I try hidding sorting, since I DON"T want sorting either:
"bSort": false
This will make the header bar show, with no header, even if I click it.
I narrow the problem to
"sScrollx": "100%"
If I take the scrolling out, every acts as expected, except, well, not scroll bar.
Anyways to have both?
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