Last column does not maintain order when refreshing table?

Last column does not maintain order when refreshing table?

xaisoftxaisoft Posts: 7Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited August 2013 in DataTables 1.9
I have a table that has about 20+ visible columns. All together, there are about 140+ columns. When I make one of the columns visible (initially it is not visible), it becomes the last column in the table. Here is what I have noticed:

If I order the column and then refresh the table, the column goes back to the last position, it does not maintain the new position. This is not happening for other columns. I am using IE8 and I have noticed "slow running script errors" occasionally. I am using server-side processing and this issue does not happen in firefox or chrome. Initially, I was looking at the "slow running scripts", but now I am more curious as to why the last column does not keep its new position.


I have noticed that when I drag the column to the 5th position (starting at 0), it keeps the position, but as soon as I put the column in the 6th position or after that, it goes back to the original position and causes the slow script error.


  • xaisoftxaisoft Posts: 7Questions: 0Answers: 0

    In my case, I had one two many aoColumns and this was causing the issue.
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