Can I insert search div into another div?
Can I insert search div into another div?
I am using sDom to add the search element above the datatable.
but I want to instead make the search field go into an existing div on the page.
is there any way to do this already?
if there is no existing way to do this, which callback should I use to move the search dom element to another location?
and if possible an example of this.
current code
oTable = $('#tblOrders').dataTable({
"sScrollY": '300px',
"bDeferRender": true,
"sDom": '<"filterDiv"f>t'
}); [/code]
but I want to instead make the search field go into an existing div on the page.
is there any way to do this already?
if there is no existing way to do this, which callback should I use to move the search dom element to another location?
and if possible an example of this.
current code
oTable = $('#tblOrders').dataTable({
"sScrollY": '300px',
"bDeferRender": true,
"sDom": '<"filterDiv"f>t'
}); [/code]
This discussion has been closed.
Two options:
1. Use the fnFilter API with your own input element
2. Move the DataTables created input into your div after the table has been created
(I had tried it before but it didn't work, turned out browser cache issue).