Multi-line pdfmessage
Multi-line pdfmessage

I'm using TableTools and trying to add a message to the pdf when exporting the data. I'd like to have a multi-line message. Unfortunately, when I use either \n or \r\n, I only get the first line.
Here's a simplified version of what I'm working with:
$ReportTable = $("#ReportTable").
sSelectionMode: 'single',
sDom: '<"$grid-toolbar"sFT>tr<"dataTables-footer"ilp>',
oTableTools: {
sSwfPath: config.nonAjaxUrls.zeroClipboardSwf,
aButtons: [
"csv", // has custom code but is irrelevant for this example
"xls", // has custom code but is irrelevant for this example,
sExtends: "pdf",
sButtonText: jsText.SaveAsPdf,
sPdfOrientation: "landscape",
sFileName: "Report.pdf",
sPdfMessage: line1Value + "\n" + line2Value
"print" // has custom code but is irrelevant for this example
sAjaxSource: (ajaxSources.AjaxGetReportData),
fnServerData: reportTableServerSide,
aoColumns: [
// columns defined here
Any ideas?
Here's a simplified version of what I'm working with:
$ReportTable = $("#ReportTable").
sSelectionMode: 'single',
sDom: '<"$grid-toolbar"sFT>tr<"dataTables-footer"ilp>',
oTableTools: {
sSwfPath: config.nonAjaxUrls.zeroClipboardSwf,
aButtons: [
"csv", // has custom code but is irrelevant for this example
"xls", // has custom code but is irrelevant for this example,
sExtends: "pdf",
sButtonText: jsText.SaveAsPdf,
sPdfOrientation: "landscape",
sFileName: "Report.pdf",
sPdfMessage: line1Value + "\n" + line2Value
"print" // has custom code but is irrelevant for this example
sAjaxSource: (ajaxSources.AjaxGetReportData),
fnServerData: reportTableServerSide,
aoColumns: [
// columns defined here
Any ideas?
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