sScrollX initialization parameters corrupts the Table Header's DOM reference
sScrollX initialization parameters corrupts the Table Header's DOM reference

I'm a fresh user of Jquery and DataTables. I think this is an excellent jquery add-on. In the last week though I discovered a bug(?) I feel I should report.
When the sScrollx option is activated the Jquery get element by ID / Tag fails for the table headers:
oTable = $('#DB_Table').dataTable(
"sScrollX": "100%",
//"sScrollXInner": "100%",
"bScrollCollapse": true
This results into :
When the option is removed:
As you see the sScrollX option collapses the Header Texts within the DOM. This sounds as a serious bug. At present the workaround I found is to declare as global variables the Header and Primary key tables and populate them before the DataTables object gets initialized.
Any comments will be highly appreciated.
I'm a fresh user of Jquery and DataTables. I think this is an excellent jquery add-on. In the last week though I discovered a bug(?) I feel I should report.
When the sScrollx option is activated the Jquery get element by ID / Tag fails for the table headers:
oTable = $('#DB_Table').dataTable(
"sScrollX": "100%",
//"sScrollXInner": "100%",
"bScrollCollapse": true
This results into :
When the option is removed:
As you see the sScrollX option collapses the Header Texts within the DOM. This sounds as a serious bug. At present the workaround I found is to declare as global variables the Header and Primary key tables and populate them before the DataTables object gets initialized.
Any comments will be highly appreciated.
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