Filtering on several columns with OR

Filtering on several columns with OR

vzhilovvzhilov Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited October 2013 in General
Sorry for asking too general question but I can't figure this one out. Let's say I have list of schools, colleges and universities with addresses located in different States. All that is in MySQL table and I can display that in the Datatable with server side processing. Now I need to filter those. I may need to display all schools addresses in 5 selected States, or I need to display all schools and Universities in one selected State. There could be many different combinations. I can make a separate form (probably a Modal window) with buttons or check boxes for all the 50 States and for all types of educational organizations I have. When user done with selection I can read that with JavaScript and pass it on. But the question is where should I pass it? I can probably destroy the table each time and initialize it with a new server-side URL parameters. Is there a better way?
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