Just a little more server-side processing control over the rows generated by dataTables
Just a little more server-side processing control over the rows generated by dataTables

You have documented the option to respond with a DT_RowId or DT_RowClass object but it would be good, and simple, to include things like DT_RowAttr and DT_RowData.
I can potentially see arguments against creating a way to modify attr directly to help ensure best practices as sometimes new web developers will abuse that, but in my case It's really the data-* attribute I'm after which could also be modified with jQuery's $.fn.data() method. The applications for this would be far and wide, in my case I need it because I'm trying to make my table interactive with other parts of the page, including a rendered google maps plugin.
I can potentially see arguments against creating a way to modify attr directly to help ensure best practices as sometimes new web developers will abuse that, but in my case It's really the data-* attribute I'm after which could also be modified with jQuery's $.fn.data() method. The applications for this would be far and wide, in my case I need it because I'm trying to make my table interactive with other parts of the page, including a rendered google maps plugin.
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Interesting idea about `DT_RowAttr` - I hadn't considered adding attributes like that, firing that id, class and data would probably cover most use cases. I'll have a think about adding it in for completeness.
And I generally agree id, class and data should cover most cases
Edit: Oh I read that wrong, version '1. ten' meaning not yet released but soon will be :) that explains why it's not in the version I'm currently using