Drop down plugin not working
Drop down plugin not working

I am trying to use this code and the dropdowns do not appear: http://datatables.net/release-datatables/examples/api/multi_filter_select.html
Where should I be putting this? How can I make the dropdown appear on top instead? I am using datatables 1.10
Where should I be putting this? How can I make the dropdown appear on top instead? I am using datatables 1.10
This discussion has been closed.
$(document).ready(function() {
var Table = $("#top-table").dataTable({
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"sScrollX": "100%",
"sScrollY": 250,
"aaSorting": [[ 0, "desc" ]],
"sAjaxSource": "ssi/server_side.php",
"fnRowCallback": function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex ) {
/* Append the grade to the default row class name */
if ( aData[1] == "Imported" | aData[1] == "Complete")
$('td:eq(1)', nRow).addClass('greenbg');
else if ( aData[1] == "HoldNotUsed" | aData[1] == "Downloaded" )
$('td:eq(1)', nRow).addClass('bluebg');
else if ( aData[1] == "Decrypted" | aData[1] == "LoadReady" | aData[1] == "Processing" | aData[1] == "Received" )
$('td:eq(1)', nRow).addClass('yellowbg');
else if ( aData[1] == "DecryptErr" | aData[1] == "DownloadErr" | aData[1] == "FtpError" | aData[1] == "LoadErr" | aData[1] == "Misplaced" | aData[1] == "multiLoadFail" )
$('td:eq(1)', nRow).addClass('redbg');
"fnCreatedRow": function( nRow, aData, iDataIndex ) {
// Bold the grade for all 'A' grade browsers
$('td:eq(0)', nRow).html( ''+aData[0]+'' )
$('td:eq(1)', nRow).html( ''+aData[1]+'' )
(function($) {
* Function: fnGetColumnData
* Purpose: Return an array of table values from a particular column.
* Returns: array string: 1d data array
* Inputs: object:oSettings - dataTable settings object. This is always the last argument past to the function
* int:iColumn - the id of the column to extract the data from
* bool:bUnique - optional - if set to false duplicated values are not filtered out
* bool:bFiltered - optional - if set to false all the table data is used (not only the filtered)
* bool:bIgnoreEmpty - optional - if set to false empty values are not filtered from the result array
* Author: Benedikt Forchhammer
$.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnGetColumnData = function ( oSettings, iColumn, bUnique, bFiltered, bIgnoreEmpty ) {
// check that we have a column id
if ( typeof iColumn == "undefined" ) return new Array();
// by default we only want unique data
if ( typeof bUnique == "undefined" ) bUnique = true;
// by default we do want to only look at filtered data
if ( typeof bFiltered == "undefined" ) bFiltered = true;
// by default we do not want to include empty values
if ( typeof bIgnoreEmpty == "undefined" ) bIgnoreEmpty = true;
// list of rows which we're going to loop through
var aiRows;
// use only filtered rows
if (bFiltered == true) aiRows = oSettings.aiDisplay;
// use all rows
else aiRows = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster; // all row numbers
// set up data array
var asResultData = new Array();
for (var i=0,c=aiRows.length; i -1) continue;
// else push the value onto the result data array
else asResultData.push(sValue);
return asResultData;
function fnCreateSelect( aData )
var r='', i, iLen=aData.length;
for ( i=0 ; i