Pagging problems when using Server Side Processing

Pagging problems when using Server Side Processing

pscalderonmpscalderonm Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited November 2013 in DataTables 1.9
Hello everyone, I have problems when I try to load data from server (using HTTP POST) and handling the own pagging of the component. Among the different parameters sent to the server, I've been using "sEcho" to establish the page number to query my data and send back to the client. When using normal pagging I don't have problems because the pagging works sequentially and "sEcho" give me the correct page number. But when I use "full_numbers" as pagging type, the headache appears. If I select the page number in different order (for example 1 and then 5), "sEcho" send to the server a sequential number (1 and then 2 for the example) and not the page number that I've selected. So, in this case, I wondering what is the field I must use to set the page_number in my query instead "sEcho". Remember that there is not any parameter that specify the page among the all parameter sent to the server.

I'll thank any help that anyone can give me for this problem.
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