Server Side Processing with deep array data
Server Side Processing with deep array data
Posts: 6Questions: 0Answers: 0
I am trying to use Server Side Processing for the Datatables.
However I am unable to show the results due to complex JSON data structure [or I am not finding how to show it]
Here's the sample JSON data that is being sent from the Server.
"sEcho": "1",
"iTotalRecords": 10,
"iTotalDisplayRecords": 5,
"aaData": {
"records": [
"attributes": {
"P_Close_Time": "1376493600",
"P_Description": "Test1"
"recordId": "6277988",
"url": "localhost:8888/search-engine/v1/search?recordId=6277985",
"aggregationCount": 0
"attributes": {
"P_Close_Time": "1376493600",
"P_Description": "Test2"
"recordId": "6277988",
"url": "localhost:8888/search-engine/v1/search?recordId=6277986",
"aggregationCount": 0
"attributes": {
"P_Close_Time": "1376493600",
"P_Description": "Test3"
"recordId": "6277988",
"url": "localhost:8888/search-engine/v1/search?recordId=6277987",
"aggregationCount": 0
"attributes": {
"P_Close_Time": "1376493600",
"P_Description": "Test4"
"recordId": "6277988",
"url": "localhost:8888/search-engine/v1/search?recordId=6277988",
"aggregationCount": 0
"attributes": {
"P_Close_Time": "1376493600",
"P_Description": "Test5"
"recordId": "6277988",
"url": "localhost:8888/search-engine/v1/search?recordId=6277989",
"aggregationCount": 0
and this is my code
"sDom": "<'row'<'span6'l><'span6'f>r>t<'row'<'span6'i><'span6'p>>",
"sPaginationType": "bootstrap",
"oLanguage": {
"sLengthMenu": "_MENU_ records per page"
"bProcessing" : true,
"bServerSide" : true,
"sAjaxSource" : "<%=dataresourceURL%>",
"aoColumns": [
{ "mData": "records.attributes.P_Close_Time" },
{ "mData": "records.attributes.P_Description" },
{ "mData": "records.url" }
But I am unable to do it!
Could you please suggest how to get those items in the table.
I am trying to use Server Side Processing for the Datatables.
However I am unable to show the results due to complex JSON data structure [or I am not finding how to show it]
Here's the sample JSON data that is being sent from the Server.
"sEcho": "1",
"iTotalRecords": 10,
"iTotalDisplayRecords": 5,
"aaData": {
"records": [
"attributes": {
"P_Close_Time": "1376493600",
"P_Description": "Test1"
"recordId": "6277988",
"url": "localhost:8888/search-engine/v1/search?recordId=6277985",
"aggregationCount": 0
"attributes": {
"P_Close_Time": "1376493600",
"P_Description": "Test2"
"recordId": "6277988",
"url": "localhost:8888/search-engine/v1/search?recordId=6277986",
"aggregationCount": 0
"attributes": {
"P_Close_Time": "1376493600",
"P_Description": "Test3"
"recordId": "6277988",
"url": "localhost:8888/search-engine/v1/search?recordId=6277987",
"aggregationCount": 0
"attributes": {
"P_Close_Time": "1376493600",
"P_Description": "Test4"
"recordId": "6277988",
"url": "localhost:8888/search-engine/v1/search?recordId=6277988",
"aggregationCount": 0
"attributes": {
"P_Close_Time": "1376493600",
"P_Description": "Test5"
"recordId": "6277988",
"url": "localhost:8888/search-engine/v1/search?recordId=6277989",
"aggregationCount": 0
and this is my code
"sDom": "<'row'<'span6'l><'span6'f>r>t<'row'<'span6'i><'span6'p>>",
"sPaginationType": "bootstrap",
"oLanguage": {
"sLengthMenu": "_MENU_ records per page"
"bProcessing" : true,
"bServerSide" : true,
"sAjaxSource" : "<%=dataresourceURL%>",
"aoColumns": [
{ "mData": "records.attributes.P_Close_Time" },
{ "mData": "records.attributes.P_Description" },
{ "mData": "records.url" }
But I am unable to do it!
Could you please suggest how to get those items in the table.
This discussion has been closed.
how do I use that data to show records, because the below code is throwing error when it encounters some special characters
"aaData": "${jsonResult.records}",