Spring MVC with dataTable: 1 million records to display with scroller and server side processing
Spring MVC with dataTable: 1 million records to display with scroller and server side processing
Can someone provide a sample project (Demo project) integrating datatables with Spring MVC using scroller and server side processing. I am very new to datatables. We need to display 1+ million cells of data. Also, we need to perform on click event of each cell of data. Any help will be appreciated very much. thanks!
Can someone provide a sample project (Demo project) integrating datatables with Spring MVC using scroller and server side processing. I am very new to datatables. We need to display 1+ million cells of data. Also, we need to perform on click event of each cell of data. Any help will be appreciated very much. thanks!
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I hope we don't have control over while we transfer the 1+million record to data table.
Allon Please help me out me too about the performce issue.
For your second query,
var sData = oTable.fnGetData( this );
we can get the row value in sData.
I'm sure if you hit up a freelance site, someone would be willing to write the code for you. I'm afraid I don't know Spring myself, so can't help either.