"aaSorting": [[ -1, "desc" ]] gives error
"aaSorting": [[ -1, "desc" ]] gives error

With "aaSorting": [[ -1, "desc" ]] the error TypeError: aoColumns[srcCol] is undefined
is emitted. The table is uploaded to the debugger, code ohejav. aoColumns is optional
I assume .. very nice debugger .. well very nice everything.
is emitted. The table is uploaded to the debugger, code ohejav. aoColumns is optional
I assume .. very nice debugger .. well very nice everything.
This discussion has been closed.
*edit* Ah - Are you thinking of aoColumnDefs and its ability to right count columns. Unfortunately this isn't available in aaSorting . You would need to know the number of columns and use the index for the last column.