dd-MON-yyyy date format

dd-MON-yyyy date format

abbottmwabbottmw Posts: 29Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited May 2010 in General
Ive been trying to add a date sorting function that will sort 12-May-2010 or 12-May-10.

here is what i have come up with so far, which is not working at all.. any help is appreciated

jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort['shortdate-desc'] = function(x) {
var months = {};
months["JAN"] = "01";
months["FEB"] = "02";
months["MAR"] = "03";
months["APR"] = "04";
months["MAY"] = "05";
months["JUN"] = "06";
months["JUL"] = "07";
months["AUG"] = "08";
months["SEP"] = "09";
months["OCT"] = "10";
months["NOV"] = "11";
months["DEC"] = "12";
var x = x+''; //Make sure it's a string
var hit = x.match(/(\d{2})-([A-Za-z]{3})-(\d{2,4})/);
if (hit && hit.length == 4) {
return hit[3] + months[hit[2].toUpperCase()] + hit[1];
return x;



  • abbottmwabbottmw Posts: 29Questions: 0Answers: 0
    After some documentation reading i have gotten further.. this seems to work for me on initial testing.


    jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort['shortdate-asc'] = function(x,y) {
    var months = {};
    months["JAN"] = "01";
    months["FEB"] = "02";
    months["MAR"] = "03";
    months["APR"] = "04";
    months["MAY"] = "05";
    months["JUN"] = "06";
    months["JUL"] = "07";
    months["AUG"] = "08";
    months["SEP"] = "09";
    months["OCT"] = "10";
    months["NOV"] = "11";
    months["DEC"] = "12";

    x = (x=="")? 0 : x.split('-');
    y = (y=="")? 0 : y.split('-');

    x = x[2] + months[x[1].toUpperCase()] + x[0];

    y = y[2] + months[y[1].toUpperCase()] + y[0];

    return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));

    jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oSort['shortdate-desc'] = function(x,y) {

    var months = {};
    months["JAN"] = "01";
    months["FEB"] = "02";
    months["MAR"] = "03";
    months["APR"] = "04";
    months["MAY"] = "05";
    months["JUN"] = "06";
    months["JUL"] = "07";
    months["AUG"] = "08";
    months["SEP"] = "09";
    months["OCT"] = "10";
    months["NOV"] = "11";
    months["DEC"] = "12";

    x = (x=="")? 0 : x.split('-');
    y = (y=="")? 0 : y.split('-');

    x = x[2] + months[x[1].toUpperCase()] + x[0];

    y = y[2] + months[y[1].toUpperCase()] + y[0];

    return ((x < y) ? 1 : ((x > y) ? -1 : 0));

  • adromiladromil Posts: 53Questions: 4Answers: 0
    How about for the date format: yyyy-mmm-dd?
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