Datatables and require js conflict?
Datatables and require js conflict?

Hi, I've used Datatables before in a simpler application, where I could just import the library with a script tag, but I'm working on a different platform now that uses requirejs. It seems like these two plugins aren't playing nice, because I can get both jQuery and datatables.js loaded, but when I call .dataTable() on the jQuery object, the reference to that function can't be found.
Here's a jsfiddle:
in my environment, I've paused right inside the callback function for the require call, and verified that datatables was loaded at that point, but the error was still thrown. I haven't been able to find any answers to this on stack overflow or on these forums; there was one guy who seemed to have the same issue, but he didn't give an example and there was no follow-up.
Here's a jsfiddle:
in my environment, I've paused right inside the callback function for the require call, and verified that datatables was loaded at that point, but the error was still thrown. I haven't been able to find any answers to this on stack overflow or on these forums; there was one guy who seemed to have the same issue, but he didn't give an example and there was no follow-up.
This discussion has been closed.
paths: {
'datatables': '//'
require(['datatables'], function () {
} );