Prefiltering a column while using serverside

Prefiltering a column while using serverside

asantosasantos Posts: 11Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited February 2014 in General
Im retrieving all my data serverside. It needs to be filtered serverside, not through the fnFilter method. This is because the table needs to only reflect the log of a specific user:

* id_log
* id_user < this needs to be filtered by ID, e.g.: 45
* date
* description

Of course, If I use the fnFilter approach, a smart guy could hack the javascript call to display other user's log. So, that's insecure.

oTable.fnFilter(1, 87);
//insecure mode

Now, I could probably have all the data prefiltered in a php array, and then dumped in the dataTable with aaData, but this example has tens of thousands of records, and the parsing can become really slow.

So, (using full serverside approach) how could I pre-filter a column on the serverside?


  • asantosasantos Posts: 11Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited February 2014
    Solved by using:

    "fnServerParams": function ( aoData ) {
    "name": "prefilter", "value": "<?=base64_encode(serialize($where))?>"

    Where $where contains the sql WHERE clauses that need to be applied in the sAjaxSource.
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