By Default Collapse IN Two level In Grouping in Datatable
By Default Collapse IN Two level In Grouping in Datatable

Hi Sir its Nice feature in data tables. I have used grouping in data table with nested level i want to collapse by default when click on it then expand. i thing there should be a Setting defaultCollapse option for both level if parent level default option is defaultCollapse :true
then all level is Collapse while loading 1st time. and if we set from child level then child level is collapse by default and parent level is Expand if not Set flag flag should be default false.I have implemented but icon is not display properly.
i need your help please reply as soon as possible.
Thanks for nice plugin
Shamsher Ali
then all level is Collapse while loading 1st time. and if we set from child level then child level is collapse by default and parent level is Expand if not Set flag flag should be default false.I have implemented but icon is not display properly.
i need your help please reply as soon as possible.
Thanks for nice plugin
Shamsher Ali
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