Is it possible to re-render column/table?
Is it possible to re-render column/table?
We are using custom render function for displaying the `size` in the human readable format. The source data are in `bytes` units, but rendered data for the `display` are in `kB`, `MB`, auto, etc. So far everything works as expected, sorting works just fine without the custom function as the data are plane numbers.
Now the user have the option to change the `size` units via some combo-box and we want to change it on the client side only, because retrieving the data from the server is quite complex and time consuming. However if we change `mRender` function for the specific column, nothing will change even after calling `fnDraw()`.
Note: currently the source data are rendered directly with the page, we plane to use AJAX and asynchronous loading later.
Is there any way to force re-rendering of the table without resetting the existing data?
function renderSizeAuto( data, type, full )
return type === "display" ? formatSize( data, formatSize.type.AUTO, true ) : data;
function renderSizeKB( data, type, full )
return type === "display" ? formatSize( data, formatSize.type.KB, true ) : data;
// from initialization:
$(document).ready( function()
"bPaginate": false,
"aoColumnDefs": [{"mRender":renderSizeAuto,"aTargets":[0]}]
// after some user action:
$("#mytable").fnSettings().aoColumns[0].mRender = renderSizeKB;
We are using custom render function for displaying the `size` in the human readable format. The source data are in `bytes` units, but rendered data for the `display` are in `kB`, `MB`, auto, etc. So far everything works as expected, sorting works just fine without the custom function as the data are plane numbers.
Now the user have the option to change the `size` units via some combo-box and we want to change it on the client side only, because retrieving the data from the server is quite complex and time consuming. However if we change `mRender` function for the specific column, nothing will change even after calling `fnDraw()`.
Note: currently the source data are rendered directly with the page, we plane to use AJAX and asynchronous loading later.
Is there any way to force re-rendering of the table without resetting the existing data?
function renderSizeAuto( data, type, full )
return type === "display" ? formatSize( data, formatSize.type.AUTO, true ) : data;
function renderSizeKB( data, type, full )
return type === "display" ? formatSize( data, formatSize.type.KB, true ) : data;
// from initialization:
$(document).ready( function()
"bPaginate": false,
"aoColumnDefs": [{"mRender":renderSizeAuto,"aTargets":[0]}]
// after some user action:
$("#mytable").fnSettings().aoColumns[0].mRender = renderSizeKB;
This discussion has been closed.
If you need to be able to change the function, have your renderSizeAuto function perform a logic check on which function it should run.
However here is my solution to re-render datatable column:
function renderDatatableCell( oTable, row, column, renderFn )
var data = oTable.fnGetData( row );
var cell = $(oTable.fnGetNodes( row )).children("td:nth-child(" + (column + 1) + ")");
$(cell).html( renderFn( data[column], "display", data ) );
function renderDatatableColumn( oTable, column )
var rows = oTable.fnGetData().length;
if (rows > 0)
var renderFn = oTable.fnSettings().aoColumns[column].mRender;
for (row = 0; row < rows; row ++)
renderDatatableCell( oTable, row, column, renderFn );
Any comments appreciated.