RowID and Jeditable Update

RowID and Jeditable Update

mrmistermrmister Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited March 2014 in General
I apologize if this is a dumb question or I didn't explain myself well enough. Could really use some help.

I'm trying to update my database table, using Datatables and jEditable and Coldfusion.

I've got an ID column(company_id) in my Datatables instance but I'm not including every record from my SQL table, so there is a different number of rows(row 30 in my datatables table might have a company_id of 50 in my Sql table)
I can get the column name to come across but using RowID returns the index number of the rows in Datatables, when I need the ID value from my ID column, which is the value of company_id. I need help setting rowId equal to company_id so the correct row is updated.

My sql statement
UPDATE sales
SET #columnName#="#value#"
WHERE company_id= "#rowId#";

I tried to explain that as well as i could. Thanks in advance.
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