Datatable taking long time for loading
Datatable taking long time for loading

Hi Allan,
First of all, i would like to thank you for this wonderful tool of yours. It really made my life a hell lot easier.
I have a website which is using the Datatable component. I am very new to this entire framework and hence i might be facing a very trivial issue here but just wanted to ask everyone's opinion on it.
I am a ASP.Net developer and i am using datatables in .net.
Okay, so here is the problem. I have a very simple page with nothing on it except for a GridView which is being used by a Datatable to display data. This data happens to be coming from a SQL Server database which is hosted on one of the remote machines. The thing is that the data comes from the database pretty quickly however, the page takes a lot of time to render up. I should add that i am using one of the UI Themes called UI Darkness.
Now, my question is, that does it take this long to load some 9999 records on a page or am i missing something here? I do not want to go for Server Side as the maximum number of rows that can be on the page can be only 9999. I think Datatable is good enough to handle this much size atleast.
When i remove the datatable part of the code and let the gridview be loaded by itself, it hardly takes 10 seconds to display the gridview with the pagination and sorting in place. However, with Datatable, it is taking more than 5 minutes.
Can someone please let me know how i can speed up the rendering of the web page.
First of all, i would like to thank you for this wonderful tool of yours. It really made my life a hell lot easier.
I have a website which is using the Datatable component. I am very new to this entire framework and hence i might be facing a very trivial issue here but just wanted to ask everyone's opinion on it.
I am a ASP.Net developer and i am using datatables in .net.
Okay, so here is the problem. I have a very simple page with nothing on it except for a GridView which is being used by a Datatable to display data. This data happens to be coming from a SQL Server database which is hosted on one of the remote machines. The thing is that the data comes from the database pretty quickly however, the page takes a lot of time to render up. I should add that i am using one of the UI Themes called UI Darkness.
Now, my question is, that does it take this long to load some 9999 records on a page or am i missing something here? I do not want to go for Server Side as the maximum number of rows that can be on the page can be only 9999. I think Datatable is good enough to handle this much size atleast.
When i remove the datatable part of the code and let the gridview be loaded by itself, it hardly takes 10 seconds to display the gridview with the pagination and sorting in place. However, with Datatable, it is taking more than 5 minutes.
Can someone please let me know how i can speed up the rendering of the web page.
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So a couple of questions:
- Can you post a link to show this happening
- It would be worth 'profiling' in Firebug to see what is running show
- What is your initialisation code.
Thanks a lot for the quick reply!
I am using IE 6.0. I cannot incidentally host it up anywhere as i don't have any place to do that.
IE doesn't break up, it just hangs up for some time and after that it displays the results.
I would try 'profiling' the code on Firebug. Thanks a lot for that suggestion. However, as i do not really have any hands on experience with Firefox/Firebug it would be nice if you can tell me what exactly i should look out for.
I would post the initialisation code as soon as I go to my work place today.
Having said that, I suspect the issue here is not going to be found with Firebug (although it might help with finding a few bits of code which can be optimised). If you use a browser such as Chrome or Firefox, how long does your page take to load? I'm going to guess a whole lot less than 5 minutes! I'd say the issue is actually the speed of IE6 and what it is being asked to do. Modern browsers should fly thought that, but there is a lot of DOM processing, and sorting (a real killer in IE6) which it will be very slow at dealing with.
If IE6 is a target browser for you, I'd very much suggest going with server-side processing. The little bit of effort needed to make it work will be worth it for the performance gains!
I will have a thorough look at the link suggested by you.
I am afraid to say that the target browser remains to be IE6. I am developing this as a proof of concept to be made to work on IE6 and hence cannot derail it from there.
I would have loved to go for Server-Side processing but there is one little catch with it. First off, my development environment is .Net 2.0 and i am hardly able to find any material for use in .Net 2.0 for Server-Side.
All the examples that i browsed through were using some or the other indispensable feature of the .Net 3.5 framework which cannot be replicated here in .Net 2.0.
Another problem is, that the application needs to have sorting (which will be limited to only a few columns) on the client side as it is today. We have the application up and running using a GridView in .Net 2.0 with appropriate styling used. Hence, the users are already too comfortable using the sorting on the client side. With Server-Side and even with Server-Side-pipelining method this becomes a bit painfully slow.
The only thing that i am unable to understand is that why the data is getting loaded in the GridView alone so quickly and why it takes a hell of a long time for IE6 to process the DataTable part.
I know this all would only make sense once i post the initialization code. I am going to go to the office and post the sample code as soon as possible for your and every body else's reference.
I just want to this to work. I know i can do it. It's just that i would be requiring some help from the experts like you and other forumers.
As promised, please find the code below. In the meantime, I would have a look at the Firebug and let you know in case i notice something there.
[code] $('#GridView1').dataTable({"iDisplayLength": 10,
"bJQueryUI": true,
"bAutoWidth": false,
"oLanguage": {"sSearch": "Filter records based on Column5 value:",
"sZeroRecords": "No records to display",
"sInfoFiltered": " - filtering from _MAX_ records",
"sLengthMenu": 'Display '+ '11'+ '21'+ '31'+ '41'+ '51'+ 'All'+ ' records'},
"aoColumns": [ { "bSearchable": false },{ "bSearchable": false },{ "bSearchable": false },{ "bSearchable": false },{ "bSearchable": true }],
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers"});
Do let me know if you find something wrong with this code.
This is what Firefox told me after some 30 seconds of processing:-
A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.
Script: http://localhost:3026/DataTablesJQuery/DataTables/js/jquery.dataTables.js:2604
The page gets loaded once I click on Stop Script. It seems that it breaks somewhere in the code because the page got loaded with everything else except for pagination and alternate coloring for each row. So it might be any one of these two getting hung in between.
As I mentioned, I was surprised that IE didn't give a similar error as Firefox, I guess your IE install must have that option disabled (not unreasonable if you are using IE6 ;-) ). I am surprised that it is taking Firefox 30 seconds to do this though - having said that... I've just tried 10'000 rows on my computer and it takes Firefox 17 seconds, Safari 3 seconds. So yes, I guess IE would be suffering bad under that.
I'm afraid I really do think that this is a case for server-side processing. Even the 3 seconds in Safari I would consider to be unacceptably slow for an end user. If anyone has any suggestions for optimisation, then they are very welcome! I think it's just down to needing to process as much data as it is.
I know next to nothing about .NET, so I won't be able to help much, but I can certainly comment on what the expected interaction is if you decide to go that route.
The following code change made Firefox go from 17 seconds to 5 on my computer, with most of the time now spent gathering data and adding the HTML for the options (which is slightly surprising) rather than 75% of the time in _fnDraw...
1.6.2 code
var nBody = oSettings.nTable.getElementsByTagName('tbody');
if ( nBody[0] )
var nTrs = nBody[0].childNodes;
for ( i=nTrs.length-1 ; i>=0 ; i-- )
nTrs[i].parentNode.removeChild( nTrs[i] );
/* Put the draw table into the dom */
for ( i=0, iLen=anRows.length ; i=0 ; i-- )
nTrs[i].parentNode.removeChild( nTrs[i] );
/* Put the draw table into the dom */
for ( i=0, iLen=anRows.length ; i
Thanks a lot for your comments. Did you notice the error that Firefox showed to me. I guess it would not have been 30 seconds after all. It was my bad time keeping. It must have been around 10 seconds.
Do you have any special comments on that? It was on line number 2604 in the jquery.datatables.js file.
Is there a compatibility issue that i am facing between the jQuery setup and DataTables?
I have the latest version of DataTable, the latest version of jQuery with the latest version of Theme Roller installed.
Am i doing something wrong?
My data looks fine in the datagrid when it gets populated.
In the meantime, can you please answer my doubt about whether there is any problem with versions of the tools that i have, considering that i have the very latest versions from everywhere (Datatables, jQuery and Themeroller).
I made the change of code suggested by you but it did not work. Instead, now my web site has started giving me errors when i turn on the debugging option in IE. The error that it gives me is,
"Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'nTBody.parentNode' is null or not an object". This error came on the following line of code, [code] nBodyPar = oSettings.nTBody.parentNode, [/code]
Can you please let me know why this is happening?
Also, i tried removing the CSS of Theme Roller hoping that there might be some CSS issue but it did nothing. I am still facing the same slow loading speed.
P.S. --> Is there anyone out there who has working experience with Datatables and .Net? If yes, i would request some help!
nAddFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
nRemoveFrag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
nBody = oSettings.nTable.getElementsByTagName('tbody'),
if ( nBody[0] )
nBody = nBody[0];
nBodyPar = nBody[0].parentNode;
nRemoveFrag.appendChild( nBody );
var nTrs = nBody.childNodes;
for ( i=nTrs.length-1 ; i>=0 ; i-- )
nTrs[i].parentNode.removeChild( nTrs[i] );
/* Put the draw table into the dom */
for ( i=0, iLen=anRows.length ; i
I used it and got an error message here:-
[code]nBodyPar = nBody[0].parentNode; [/code]
It said that 0.parentNode was null.
I made this change to the code:-
[code]nBodyPar = nBody.parentNode; [/code]
Now it is working as expected. In mozilla it takes a little less than 6 seconds for me to load 9999 records.
However, IE 6.0 is still a pain. It is taking beyond 5 minutes to load this page. It just hangs there forever it seems.
P.S. --> Any opinions from other IE developers are welcome! Please help!