oLanguage.sInfoFiltered doesn't work
oLanguage.sInfoFiltered doesn't work
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Using 1.9.4 at the time. Even though I set the oLanguage.sInfoFiltered, it doesn't apply if the dataTable uses AJAX I believe. Most of the dataTables we use set basic properties like aaSorting, aoColumnDefs, bLengthChange, bStateSave, and so fort. When I set the sInfoFiltered, it works as expected when the dataTable is filtered.
However there are a few dataTables that use AJAX for serverside processing ("bServerSide" = true), pagination ("bPaginate": true,), and whatnot. Setting the sInfoFiltered on those have no effect. Setting sInfoPostFix and sInfo works.
Any ideas why?
I'm trying to use fnInfoCallback to mimic it once I figure out how to determine if the dataTable is currently filtered.
Debug: http://debug.datatables.net/ubecuj
However there are a few dataTables that use AJAX for serverside processing ("bServerSide" = true), pagination ("bPaginate": true,), and whatnot. Setting the sInfoFiltered on those have no effect. Setting sInfoPostFix and sInfo works.
Any ideas why?
I'm trying to use fnInfoCallback to mimic it once I figure out how to determine if the dataTable is currently filtered.
Debug: http://debug.datatables.net/ubecuj
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