DataTable breaking when php page is refreshed
DataTable breaking when php page is refreshed
debug code: ukazac - unfortunately I cannot provide a link.
I'm new to datatables and not very javascript savvy so help would be much appreciated!
Basically I have a webpage (dashboard.php) that has a datatable that is constantly refreshed but the datatable breaks on refresh (event handlers disappear, styling rows gone, etc).
To create the table I start with a and then call the corresponding webpage(dash_server.php) to load inside that div window without ever leaving the dashboard.php. The table creation and data calls all happen within the dash_server.php page. So if I go directly to dash_server.php the table loads fine and everything is great. However if I stay on the dashboard.php page the table loads fine and then breaks when its refreshed.
This is the code on the dashboard.php page that calls the dash_server.php inside the div window:
echo "\n";
echo "url$window_num='$filename'; updatearea$window_num='$window_name'; refresh$window_num=$refresh; addOnLoad($ajax_call);\n\n";
echo " \n";
I read somewhere that if the portion of the table is refreshed then it gets messed up. However at this point in time I can't change where the table is loaded, it has to all be within the dash_server.php page.
So my question is how to get my datatable to stay functional when its called in a separate webpage window and constantly refreshed?
My code for calling the datatable is pretty simple:
This would be my JS
$(document).ready(function() {
/* Table initialisation */
if ($('#example_pdf').length){
$('#example_pdf').dataTable( {
"sDom": '<"row-fluid" <"pretty_header_left" f><"pretty_header_left" l><"pretty_header_right hidden-phone" T>r>tip',
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"oTableTools": {
"sSwfPath": "/bootstrap/js/include/assets/DT/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf",
"aButtons": [
// copy layout
"sExtends": "copy",
"sButtonText": ''+" Copy"
// print layout
"sExtends": "print",
"sButtonText": ''+" Print View"
"sExtends": "collection", // dropdown save button
"sButtonText": ''+" Save",
"aButtons": [
"sExtends": "pdf",
"sPdfOrientation": "landscape" //makes landscape pdf files
} //end TableTools
} );
}// end if
} );
Any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated. I've been trying to figure this out for over a week and can't find any problem/solution that mimics my situation.
I'm new to datatables and not very javascript savvy so help would be much appreciated!
Basically I have a webpage (dashboard.php) that has a datatable that is constantly refreshed but the datatable breaks on refresh (event handlers disappear, styling rows gone, etc).
To create the table I start with a and then call the corresponding webpage(dash_server.php) to load inside that div window without ever leaving the dashboard.php. The table creation and data calls all happen within the dash_server.php page. So if I go directly to dash_server.php the table loads fine and everything is great. However if I stay on the dashboard.php page the table loads fine and then breaks when its refreshed.
This is the code on the dashboard.php page that calls the dash_server.php inside the div window:
echo "\n";
echo "url$window_num='$filename'; updatearea$window_num='$window_name'; refresh$window_num=$refresh; addOnLoad($ajax_call);\n\n";
echo " \n";
I read somewhere that if the portion of the table is refreshed then it gets messed up. However at this point in time I can't change where the table is loaded, it has to all be within the dash_server.php page.
So my question is how to get my datatable to stay functional when its called in a separate webpage window and constantly refreshed?
My code for calling the datatable is pretty simple:
This would be my JS
$(document).ready(function() {
/* Table initialisation */
if ($('#example_pdf').length){
$('#example_pdf').dataTable( {
"sDom": '<"row-fluid" <"pretty_header_left" f><"pretty_header_left" l><"pretty_header_right hidden-phone" T>r>tip',
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"oTableTools": {
"sSwfPath": "/bootstrap/js/include/assets/DT/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf",
"aButtons": [
// copy layout
"sExtends": "copy",
"sButtonText": ''+" Copy"
// print layout
"sExtends": "print",
"sButtonText": ''+" Print View"
"sExtends": "collection", // dropdown save button
"sButtonText": ''+" Save",
"aButtons": [
"sExtends": "pdf",
"sPdfOrientation": "landscape" //makes landscape pdf files
} //end TableTools
} );
}// end if
} );
Any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated. I've been trying to figure this out for over a week and can't find any problem/solution that mimics my situation.
This discussion has been closed.
Here is the table markup. Let me know if you need more information:
echo ("\n");
echo (" \n");
echo (" \n");
echo (" \n");
echo (" Location 1\n");
if ($locations > 1) echo (" Location 2\n");
if ($locations > 2) echo (" Location 3\n");
echo (" \n");
echo (" \n");
echo (" Server Name\n");
echo (" \n");
echo (" \n");
echo (" \n");
echo (" \n");
echo (" $field1\n");
echo ("\n");
echo ("\n");
echo ("\n");
I removed the column headers and data for each column to condense it.
Try this or maybe I don't undertstand.
First I added the 'destroy' to the example_pdf function but to no avail:
$('#example_pdf').dataTable( {
"sDom": '<"row-fluid" <"pretty_header_left" f><"pretty_header_left" l><"pretty_header_right hidden-phone" T>r>tip', // organizes the heading
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"destroy": true,
Then I added the following to the php file and still no luck.
var oTable = $('#example_pdf').dataTable();
Is there something else I am missing that I need to add to the example_pdf code?