Truncate String only in IE Browsers
Truncate String only in IE Browsers
Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
Hi all,
First, thanks for your amazing library, it helps me a lot on my daily work! :)
I have a issue with datatables, I'm getting the data from the server via sAjaxSource, all works fine in firefox and chrome but for large names on Internet explorer is truncating the value,
I set up my datatable as follows:
$('#' + resultTableId).dataTable({
"bDeferRender": true,
"bFilter": true,
"bSort": true,
"bInfo": true,
"bProcessing" : true,
"bSortClasses": false,
"bJQueryUI" : true,
"bLengthChange" : false,
"bAutoWidth" : false,
"sPaginationType" : "full_numbers",
"bStateSave" : false,
"iDisplayLength" : 20,
"sAjaxSource" : "someurl",
"sAjaxDataProp" : sAjaxDataProp,
"aoColumns" : [
{"mData" : "code", "bSortable": false, "bSearchable": false},
{"mData" : "description" ,"bSortable": false, "bSearchable": false},
{"mData" : "reimbursementPrice","bSortable": false, "bSearchable": false},
{"mData" : "codingInstruction","bSortable": false, "bSearchable": false},
{"mData" : "name","bSortable": false, "bSearchable": false},
{"mData" : "pkSize","bSortable": false, "bSearchable": false},
{"mData" : "strengthMeasure","bSortable": false, "bSearchable": false}
"fnInitComplete" : function(oSettings, json) {
var total = json.products.length;
if(total != 0) {
What I'm doing wrong?
First, thanks for your amazing library, it helps me a lot on my daily work! :)
I have a issue with datatables, I'm getting the data from the server via sAjaxSource, all works fine in firefox and chrome but for large names on Internet explorer is truncating the value,
I set up my datatable as follows:
$('#' + resultTableId).dataTable({
"bDeferRender": true,
"bFilter": true,
"bSort": true,
"bInfo": true,
"bProcessing" : true,
"bSortClasses": false,
"bJQueryUI" : true,
"bLengthChange" : false,
"bAutoWidth" : false,
"sPaginationType" : "full_numbers",
"bStateSave" : false,
"iDisplayLength" : 20,
"sAjaxSource" : "someurl",
"sAjaxDataProp" : sAjaxDataProp,
"aoColumns" : [
{"mData" : "code", "bSortable": false, "bSearchable": false},
{"mData" : "description" ,"bSortable": false, "bSearchable": false},
{"mData" : "reimbursementPrice","bSortable": false, "bSearchable": false},
{"mData" : "codingInstruction","bSortable": false, "bSearchable": false},
{"mData" : "name","bSortable": false, "bSearchable": false},
{"mData" : "pkSize","bSortable": false, "bSearchable": false},
{"mData" : "strengthMeasure","bSortable": false, "bSearchable": false}
"fnInitComplete" : function(oSettings, json) {
var total = json.products.length;
if(total != 0) {
What I'm doing wrong?
This discussion has been closed.