sAjaxDataProp and top level variables
sAjaxDataProp and top level variables

I'm trying to push all ajax responses through a container array so I can integrate with our existing error display code, but I'm having trouble with top-level variables DataTables expects (such as sEcho and iTotalRecords).
So for example I have something like:
$ajax_array['container']['notifications'] = array(list of errors occurred here)
$ajax_array['container']['results'] = array(data table requested data);
echo json_encode($ajax_array['container']);
I can setup the data table by using sAjaxDataProp: "results.aaData", but I don't know what to do about the top level variables. Is there some easy way to tell the datatable where to find these variables?
So for example I have something like:
$ajax_array['container']['notifications'] = array(list of errors occurred here)
$ajax_array['container']['results'] = array(data table requested data);
echo json_encode($ajax_array['container']);
I can setup the data table by using sAjaxDataProp: "results.aaData", but I don't know what to do about the top level variables. Is there some easy way to tell the datatable where to find these variables?
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There are two options:
1. Modify DataTables
2. Provide an fnServerData function which will get the data from the server and then return it in the format needed by DataTables.
I did this:
"fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings ) {
oSettings.jqXHR = $.getJSON(sSource,
var dataTableResults = data.results;
...and it seems to be working fine. Did I miss anything in how I configured this that will cause me problems later?