PHP Class to easily use DataTables 1.10

PHP Class to easily use DataTables 1.10

RobinDevRobinDev Posts: 6Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited May 2014 in DataTables 1.10

Hello there,

Today, I share a class to easily use DataTables in PHP (or Github).

What can it do ?

  • Generate the javascript part
  • Generate the Html part
  • Analyze the request and give you the SQL request to execute
  • Send the json output from the queries's results that you execute

Specificity : I use the unofficial plugin jquery.dataTables.columnFilter.js that I corrected to be functionnal with the last version of DataTables. But I just see there is a best compatible plugin so I will move.

To understand the logic, there is a little example (extract from the folder examples/) :

include '../DataTable.php';
use rOpenDev\DataTablesPHP\DataTable;

$columns = array(
array('title'=>'Rendering Engine'),
array('title'=>'Engine Version', 'class'=>'right'),
array('title'=>'Css Grade', 'class'=>'right')

$data = array(
array('Trident', 'Internet Explorer 4.0', 'Win 95+', '5', 'c'),
array('Trident', 'Internet Explorer 4.0', 'Win 95+', '5', 'c'),
array('Trident', 'Internet Explorer 5.0', 'Win 99+', '6', 'd'),
array('Trident', 'Internet Explorer 5.0', 'Win 99+', '6', 'd'),
array('Trident', 'Internet Explorer 6.0', 'Win 98+', '4', 'e'),
array('Trident', 'Internet Explorer 6.0', 'Win 98+', '4', 'e'),
array('Trident', 'Internet Explorer 7.0', 'Win 97+', '3', 'f'),
array('Trident', 'Internet Explorer 7.0', 'Win 97+', '3', 'f'),
array('Gecko', 'Mozilla Firefox 27.0', 'Ubuntu 14.10', '2', 'c'),
array('Gecko', 'Mozilla Firefox 27.0', 'Ubuntu 14.10', '2', 'c'),
array('Gecko', 'Mozilla Firefox 27.0', 'Ubuntu 14.10', '2', 'c'),
array('Gecko', 'Mozilla Firefox 27.0', 'Ubuntu 13.10', '2', 'c'),
array('Gecko', 'Mozilla Firefox 27.0', 'Ubuntu 13.10', '2', 'c'),
array('Gecko', 'Mozilla Firefox 27.0', 'Ubuntu 13.10', '2', 'c'),
array('Gecko', 'Mozilla Firefox 27.0', 'Ubuntu 12.04', '2', 'c'),
array('Gecko', 'Mozilla Firefox 27.0', 'Ubuntu 12.04', '2', 'c'),
array('Gecko', 'Mozilla Firefox 27.0', 'Ubuntu 12.04', '2', 'c')

// You can use Plug-in too :
$language = array(
'emptyTable' => 'Aucune donnée à afficher',
'info' => 'START à END sur TOTAL lignes',
'infoEmpty' => '(Aucune donnée à afficher)',
'infoFiltered' => '(filtré de MAX éléments au total)',
'infoPostFix' => '',
'thousands' => ' ',
'lengthMenu' => 'MENU lignes par page',
'loadingRecords' => 'Chargement en cours...',
'processing' => 'Traitement en cours...',
'search' => 'Rechercher :',
'zeroRecords' => 'Aucune donnée à afficher.',
'paginate' => array(
'first' =>'Premier',
'last' =>'Dernier',
'next' =>'Suivant',
'aria' => array(
'sortAscending' => ': activer pour trier la colonne par ordre croissant',
'sortDescending' => ': activer pour trier la colonne par ordre décroissant'

$dataTable = DataTable::instance('exmample');
$dataTable->setJsInitParameter('language', $language)

<?php > $(document).ready(function() { <?php echo $dataTable->getJavascript(); ?> }); <?php echo $dataTable->getHtml(); ?> ``` ?>

Don't hesitate to send me feedback or issues here or on Github.


  • allanallan Posts: 64,026Questions: 1Answers: 10,555 Site admin

    This is excellent - thanks for sharing this with us! I look forward to seeing your script develop :-)


  • tangerinetangerine Posts: 3,365Questions: 39Answers: 395
    edited May 2014

    @RobinDev: I'm trying your class and I have some questions. Are you offering support?

  • tangerinetangerine Posts: 3,365Questions: 39Answers: 395
    edited May 2014

    @RobinDev: Some debugging is needed.

    function filter () {

    $column = $this->columns[$i];

    // At this point, $this->columns is an array of stdClass objects.

    // So the following line needs changing:

    // if (!isset($column['searchable']) || $column['searchable'] === true) {

    // Should be:

    if (!isset($column->searchable) || $column->searchable === true) {

  • RobinDevRobinDev Posts: 6Questions: 1Answers: 0
    edited May 2014

    Hello Tangerine,

    It was the first draw, today I push a more stable version, updated (a little) the documentation and add new features (complexe headers, Join...)... I am more reactive on Github, don't hesitate to open an issue.

    /!\ I ever use it now in prod but it's still an alpha (some functions could be renamed in the future).

    Are you offering support?

    Yes, you can post or email-me.

    Thank you for your corrections :

    • For the column, I (re)Switch to a php table wich is converted only for the Js

    • For the debugging part, can you be more explicit ? How are you seeing the debugging of this var ?

  • kqueekqueekqueekquee Posts: 40Questions: 1Answers: 0

    i have this error
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in C:\www-php\agp\version\agp-141\commun\plugins\DataTablesPHP\DataTable.php on line 88
    $objectize = is_string(array_keys($data[0])[0]) ? true : false;
    après correction ok
    $objectize = is_string(array_keys($data[0])) ? true : false;


  • tangerinetangerine Posts: 3,365Questions: 39Answers: 395
    edited May 2014

    I just edited my "debugging" post slightly - "function filter() {" should have a line to itself.

    The error was:

    ErrorException [ 1 ]: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array ~ APPPATH\classes\datatable.php [ 319 ]

    (it's from Kohana framework).

    So this line will fail:

    if (!isset($column['searchable']) || $column['searchable'] === true) {

    Thanks for your help.

  • tangerinetangerine Posts: 3,365Questions: 39Answers: 395

    Another thing :-)

    From function setData:

    $objectize = is_string(array_keys($data[0])[0]) ? true : false;

    PHP 5.3.8 does not recognise that syntax:


    I can work around it like this:

    $k = array_keys($data[0]) ;

    $objectize = is_string($k[0]) ? true : false;

  • RobinDevRobinDev Posts: 6Questions: 1Answers: 0
    edited May 2014

    @kqueekquee See the last @tangerine's anwer

    PHP 5.3.8 does not recognise that syntax

    So replace the line by :

    $k = array_keys($data[0]) ;
    $objectize = is_string($k[0]) ? true : false;

    I update the class... It's compatible with PHP 5.3 now.

    @tangerine : Grab the new file (or composer update), I change the columns's type. Now, $this->columns is an array of array.

  • kqueekqueekqueekquee Posts: 40Questions: 1Answers: 0

    i have this error
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in ........\plugins\DataTablesPHP\examples\ServerSide.php on line 47
    when i load serverside.php

  • tangerinetangerine Posts: 3,365Questions: 39Answers: 395

    That needs the same solution as RobinDev's last post.

    @RobinDev: Your examples need updating for consistency with your class itself. I will have to leave this for now as I don't have the time. I will try again when you have thoroughly tested your code. Thanks for your help.

  • tangerinetangerine Posts: 3,365Questions: 39Answers: 395
    edited May 2014

    Hi RobinDev.

    Is this still alive? If so, how would I insert (for example) a row's id - from the main db table - into a "formatter" function?

    That is, in my $columns array:

        array('data' => 'id','title'=>'Id')
        array('title'=> 'Admin', 'formatter'=>function($data){return '<a href="">[id_in_link]</a>';} )

    Edit: Sorry about the careless example! The id would be in the href, not the link title.

  • tangerinetangerine Posts: 3,365Questions: 39Answers: 395
    Never mind, I got it.

    However - no responses in here and no action on GitHub for three weeks - is this thing dead already?
  • RobinDevRobinDev Posts: 6Questions: 1Answers: 0

    @tangerine Yes it's still alive. I just worked on other stuff.

    If you are still interested... to insert row's id in the formatter function just do :

        'title'=> 'Admin',
        'formatter'=>function($colValue, $rowValues){
                return '<a href="">'.$rowValues['id'].'</a>';

    I just did a big comit with a few modifications (bug corrections, improvements, new features). Just see the

  • tangerinetangerine Posts: 3,365Questions: 39Answers: 395

    Thanks - good to hear. I'll be checking out the upgrade. Thanks again.

  • RobinDevRobinDev Posts: 6Questions: 1Answers: 0

    @tangerine Yes it's still alive. I just worked on other stuff.

    If you are still interested... to insert row's id in the formatter function just do :

        'title'=> 'Admin',
        'formatter'=>function($colValue, $rowValues){
                return '<a href="">'.$rowValues['id'].'</a>';

    I just did a big comit with a few modifications (bug corrections, improvements, new features). Just see the

  • RobinDevRobinDev Posts: 6Questions: 1Answers: 0

    @tangerine Yes it's still alive. I just worked on other stuff.

    If you are still interested... to insert row's id in the formatter function just do :

        'title'=> 'Admin',
        'formatter'=>function($colValue, $rowValues){
                return '<a href="">'.$rowValues['id'].'</a>';

    I just did a big comit with a few modifications (bug corrections, improvements, new features). Just see the

  • RobinDevRobinDev Posts: 6Questions: 1Answers: 0

    @tangerine Yes it's still alive. I just worked on other stuff.

    If you are still interested... to insert row's id in the formatter function just do :

        'title'=> 'Admin',
        'formatter'=>function($colValue, $rowValues){
                return '<a href="">'.$rowValues['id'].'</a>';

    I just did a big comit with a few modifications (bug corrections, improvements, new features). Just see the

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