Hiding Dynamic Columns
Hiding Dynamic Columns

I am able to use DataTables on my site. We are using JSON as the returned format from a AJAX data source. We have to use server-side processing for the amount of data we are returning(19k rows and 28 columns).
I can loop through the list of column names and get results. However, when I try to put one of the columns as "null" so it does not show up, the whole script fails and I only get column headers.
I assistance to hide the COMPETITORGUID column.
this works, but always shows the COMPETITORGUID column:
<cfset listColumns =
"bJQueryUI": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"sAjaxSource": "/cfc/main.cfc?method=getCompetitorsJSON",
"aaSorting": [],
"iDisplayLength": 10,
"aLengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, 100], [10, 25, 50, 100]],
"aoColumns": [
<cfloop list="#listColumns#" index="myColumn">
<cfoutput> { "mData": "#myColumn#" }<cfif myColumn NEQ listlast(listColumns)>,</cfif></cfoutput>
this does not work; it only displays the column headers without DataTables formatting:
<cfloop list="#listColumns#" index="myColumn">
<cfif "myColumn" EQ 'COMPETITORGUID' >null
<cfelseif myColumn EQ listlast(listColumns)> { "mData": "#myColumn#" }
Listing out the columns 1 by 1 does not return data; and gives the error that vairable "#[column]#" is not defined.
{ "mData": "#COMPETITORGUID#" },
Also using the aoColumns list of the following does not return data either:
{ type: "text" },
{ type: "text" },
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
Are you saying you want a hidden column?
@Tangerine Yes, I want to hide the COMPETITORGUID column, however, the if statements are not picking up on my test; I saw that page and would use it if I could get the if statement to behave. Or I've gotten something syntactically wrong. On a side note, I am passing in the values from a .cfc that builds the JSON file. I am now trying to remove the column from the JSON side so it never gets into the datafeed in the first place.
Well, yes - if you don't actually need the data, just don't retrieve it.
But you shouldn't need any conditional (if) test, just define the relevant column as shown in the example.
It turns out, I need the data, so I can't filter it out of the JSON. I tried the example like this:
The column still shows up.
I also tried "targets":[0] in case the indexing started at 0. None of the columns disappear no matter what index number is used.
I just looked at our version of DataTables again, and noticed that it is version 1.9.0, not 1.10 like I was told. Would this be a potential cause?
And our version of columnFilter is 1.5.6
I feel like a big dummy!
I got it to work with this syntax:
oTable.fnSetColumnVis( 0, false);
all from:
Class: DataTables- documentation
It was the version being 1.9.0 that was the problem.
Thank you @Tangerine, if I was using the proper version; I wouldn't have any problems.
Good to hear you got it working!