how to reformat data in initialization string
how to reformat data in initialization string

I am currently populating a table via this init string
data: newArray,<br />
columns: [<br />
{ data: 'Date', title: 'Date', searchable: false, orderable: false },<br />
{ data: 'CompanyInfo', title: 'Company Info' },<br />
{ data: 'TradeDirection', title: 'Buy/Sell', searchable: false },<br />
{ data: 'Notes', title: 'Trading Notes', orderable: false }]
}).order([1, 'asc'], [2, 'asc'])<br />
.draw();<br />
The date i coming in as a long datetime and needs reformatiing. Can I do that in the init string and if so what is best method?
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
That example appears to be from 1.9 and I'm using 1.10. I had already tried using render like so
"render": function ( data, type, full ) {
return data.Date.split('T')[0]}
To the date column definition but I get a 'data not in scope' error.
How do I use render in version 1.10 with the columns attribute of the init string versus the 1.9 columndefs
Or more simply, how do I access the data object for each column defined in columns to use in render method
with much trial and error, the solution is
[code]<br />
ideaTable.DataTable({<br />
data: data,<br />
columns: [<br />
{<br />
data: 'Date', title: 'Date', searchable: false, orderable: false,<br />
render: function () {<br />
return data[0].Date.split('T')[0]; //original format 2014-05-09T00:00:00-04:00<br />
}<br />
},<br />
{ data: 'CompanyInfo', title: 'Company Info' },<br />
{ data: 'TradeDirection', title: 'Buy/Sell', searchable: false },<br />
{ data: 'Notes', title: 'Trading Notes', orderable: false }<br />
}).order([1, 'asc'], [2, 'asc'])<br />
.draw();<br />
That's actually not the solution as data[0] is obviously the first row only as I can see now that im changing something other than the date and they all come out the same. What is the syntax for this to work on each row?
Love trial and error, leads you to learn a whole bunch of stuff.
The solution, which was embarrassingly easy, I was just making it too complicated.
render: function(mData) {
//using moment.js library for date formatting
return moment(mData).format('MMMM Do YYYY'); }
Heh - good to here you found a solution in the end. I do love moment.js!