How to improve performance of a DOM sourced table
How to improve performance of a DOM sourced table

Hello, I have a DOM sourced table with about 3000 records (upto 10 columns). It takes about 10 seconds to paginate. I was wondering if there is any way to improve its performance. I tried bDeferRender and iDeferLoading but it seems they are only for Ajax/JS sourced data.
My table is generated through Ajax and JS only but it doesn't contain just text. It also has checkboxes. So I don't think I can source the data directly from Ajax/JS into the datatable.
Can someone please help me on this. I would really appreciate it. I am fairly new to web technologies and under a major deadline :(
I am sorry I forgot to mention, I am not sorting the data in table. Just putting it as it is since it is already sorted. Following are the parameters I am using
Can you link to the page so we can profile it please? 3'000 rows shouldn't be a problem for modern browsers.
I am developing it using Wampserver. So it is in my desktop...
Without a test case to provide, there is very little I can do to help I'm afraid. Try profiling it in Chrome yourself and see where the slow functions are.
Hmm...I did some tweaks and managed to bring it down to 5-6 seconds. Let me try and do the profiling which you suggested. I hope we will be online in 2 weeks. I will check it again at that time. Thanks a lot....