Accessing hidden column on click event.
Accessing hidden column on click event.

(DataTables debugger reference: ewawow)
I have a data source which includes ID numbers. I want to keep the ID number hidden, but need to use it when the user clicks on it. I built the following based on the examples:
$(document).ready( function () {
var table = $('#example').DataTable({
"columnDefs": [
{"visible":false, "targets":[0] }
$('#example tbody').on('click', 'tr', function () {
var name = $('td', this).eq(0).text();
alert( 'You clicked on '+name+'\'s row' );
} );
} );
(The full example with sample data is in the reference). Column 0 is the ID column. The next column is the name. It displays the name. How can I access the ID column from the click event?
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
I didn't encounter this specifically, but I did something similar so I'm hoping it may help you. What I was messing around with is reordering the columns, but always wanting to get the id when I click on the table, my click event is similar to yours except I extracted it into its own function called SelectedRow while passing 'this' in.
getRowID is another function that I use to actually get the contents of the id field
Sorry for the improper code formatting, I couldn't for the life of me figure out the new system and how to get it to post correctly. I miss the [code] [/code] blocks, they made it very simple.
@Rpiechura - Its markdown, so you can use three ` characters to signal the start and end of a code block.
@GeoJunkie - The
method sounds like what you want. Something liketable.cell( this, 0 ).data()
will give you the data for the cell in column index 0, for rowthis
Hmmm...can't get either of those to work. I did try implementing the cell().data() method, but it doesn't seem to work. Here's the code from my system (since I seem to have messed up the sample code above).
My console log shows "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function" at the cell().data() call line when I click the DataTable.
OK...I figured out that I fell for the old "dataTable" vs "DataTable" mistake. Fixed that but it still doesn't work. When I use table.cell(this).data() as in the example on the documentation, it gives the cell I click on, but when I use table.cell(this,0).data() as given by Allen, it returns "undefined".
Got it! The click event needs to point to the row. This code worked:
Good to hear that works. You can use the cell as a cell selector as well:
Yes, but that only returns the cell the user clicked on. To get the hidden 0 column, I had to use the row selector.
Duh - sorry. That was fairly daft of me. Not thinking right! :-).