Loading a filter that contains a quote (") from a saved session causes an invalid display
Loading a filter that contains a quote (") from a saved session causes an invalid display

Around line 2662, there's the following line of code:
.val( previousSearch.sSearch.replace('"','"') )
This should simply be:
.val( previousSearch.sSearch )
Otherwise, the saved search is corrupted. For an example, go to the datatables example (https://datatables.net/examples/basic_init/state_save.html) and enter a quote in the box. Then, reload the page and watch it turn to "
in the search box.
This discussion has been closed.
That's interesting - I'm not actually seeing that behaviour myself, however, I completely agree that it is wrong to do that escape. Took be a while to figure out what it was even doing there - it was added way back in the DataTables 1.3.x series and back then the filter input was constructed as a string rather than a DOM element, so the escape was required. No longer and I've now removed it.
Thanks for flagging this up! It will be in 1.10.1 and in the nightly shortly.