Access table data by column name (not index number) in filter

Access table data by column name (not index number) in filter

RonanRonan Posts: 7Questions: 3Answers: 0


I am happily using datatables and I added filters which work well:

    //filtering function
            function( settings, data, dataIndex ) 

        //Price range
                var price_min = $('#price_min').val() * 1;
                var price_max = $('#price_max').val() * 1;
                var price = parseFloat( data[7] ) || 0; // price column
                if ( ( price_min != '' && price < price_min ) ||  ( price_max != '' && price > price_max ) )
                    return false;

                return true;

=> I would like to improve the code by accessing data by column name ( e.g. : data['prix'] ) rather than index number ( data[7] )

Thank you in advance for your help !

This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer


  • RpiechuraRpiechura Posts: 98Questions: 3Answers: 14

    Unless I'm mis-understanding what you're looking for, you can do that by initializing the columns to have names / titles and then doing a query on that since Javascript doesn't care if it's a number or a word. I'm using names of columns to fetch data, but the way I do it is overly complicated and unique to try and explain how I end up doing it but that's my best guess as to where to start.

  • RonanRonan Posts: 7Questions: 3Answers: 0
    edited May 2014

    @Rpiechura, thank you for your answer.

    I am already initializing the table by giving names to each column :

    $(document).ready(function() {
        var table = $('#table_annonce').dataTable( {
            "bFilter": true, //filter feature enabled
            "sDom" : '<"hidden"i>tp', //no searchbox
            "scrollY":        "350px",
            "scrollCollapse": true,
            "scrollX": false,
            "paging":  false,
            "processing": false,
            "serverSide": false,
            "ajax": 'test.php',
            "columns": [
                        { "title": "idAnnonce", "data": "idAnnonce", "visible": false, "searchable": false },
                        { "title": "communauté", "data": "community", "visible": false, "searchable": true},
                        { "title": "distance", "data": "distance", "visible": false, "searchable": true},
                        { "title": "Titre", "data": "titre" }

    But I don't see how I can access the data by column name/title.

    The function triggered by the filter extension (see 1st post) has a 'data' parameter which seems to be a numeric indexed only (this is what I got from javascript console) :

    0   "2" 
    1   "friend_of_friend"
    2   "0.0"   
    3   "fer à  repasser"

    The 'settings' object contains lot of data, but I couldn't find a way to easily access data by column name. Am I missing something obvious ?

    I am open to suggestion, even if the way to go is complex.

  • sigfriedjksigfriedjk Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 1
    Answer ✓

    (if you are using 1.10). Maybe....


    or in a separate function

    function getColumnNumberByName(name) {
    return oTable.column(name + ":name").index();


    Feels a bit verbose, but it should work.

  • RonanRonan Posts: 7Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Hello @sigriedlk,

    I will try that immediately then post feedback.

    That looks good, thank you !

  • RonanRonan Posts: 7Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Hello again @sigriedlk,

    It does work with oTable.column('prix:name').index() even though it requires to add a "name" definition to each column.

    This would allow me to have a more robust code, specifically in case of change in the column order.

    BUT I have the feeling that it slowed down execution by a lot. I will run some performance test and post feedback again.

  • RonanRonan Posts: 7Questions: 3Answers: 0
    edited May 2014

    I finally confirm that oTable.column('prix:name').index() works but very slowly. Running it 1000 times takes up to 10 seconds, which are pure overhead.

    I used this syntax to build a global static array of column order, which I use in the filter functions.

        var table = $('#table_annonce').DataTable();
        tableColumnIndex['prix'] = table.column('prix:name').index();
        tableColumnIndex['community'] = table.column('community:name').index();
        tableColumnIndex['distance'] = table.column('distance:name').index();
        tableColumnIndex['date'] = table.column('date:name').index();

    and :

    //filtering function
            function( settings, data, dataIndex )
        //Price range
                var price_min = $('#price_min').val() * 1;
                var price_max = $('#price_max').val() * 1;
                var price = parseFloat( data[ tableColumnIndex['prix'] ] ) || 0; // price column
                if ( ( price_min != '' && price < price_min ) ||  ( price_max != '' && price > price_max ) )
                    return false;
                return true;

    => That way, I get both an evolutive and efficient code (even though I had preferred avoiding global data).

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