Need for more than ten possible, separate, on-click activated jQuery AJAX loads
Need for more than ten possible, separate, on-click activated jQuery AJAX loads

I want to use the jQuery AJAX .load process to provide the process to load external blocks of HTML code that when activated for a specific firm with an on-click action, loads and displays that specific block of code. The code being loaded is an Iframed Google map for that firm. There could be over 150 firms on one document for which I want to provide a clickable Google Map, right there, on the document, below the firms data.
Only ONE jQuery AJAX load is being done at a time.
I have this working for up to ten firms. When I try more than ten firms the process does not work for ANY. It does not matter which eleven firms that I select to try this with, On the addition of the eleventh firm the process dies for ALL
I have tried both making the JS code internal and external with the same result.
I have tried placing the JS code load both in the header and at the end of the body with the same result.
What do I need to change to get this to work with all these firms, not just ten?
Here is the HTML that sets up the on-click;
Here is the jQuery AJAX code that I am using ( one of these sets for each firm that do have unique ID’s);
$("#ABC_Seamless_Home_Improvement_Center").load("maps_iframe.htm #ABC_Seamless_Home_Improvement_Center_map",
$("#ABC_Seamless_Home_Improvement_Center .map-icon").click( function(){
Here is the Data that is in the external file named “maps_iframe.htm”;
A live example of two firms that do display their Google maps [MAP button] with the use of this on-click activated jQuery AJAX load process is here:
If this works, one-at-a-time for two, why not for two hundred, or two thousand?