PHP validation for a field only in create windows from and not in edit windows form
PHP validation for a field only in create windows from and not in edit windows form

I validate a field in the creation windows form for required field and so unique:
Field::inst( 'barcode' )
->validator( function($val, $data, $opts) {
global $db;
if ( empty($val) ) {
return "Codice a Barre obbligatorio";
$checkdup = $db
->select( 'listino', 'id', array(
'barcode' => mysql_real_escape_string($val)
if($checkdup !== 0){
return "Codice a Barre esistente";
return true;
} ),
the problem that in edit windows form I should not validate the field, is possible?
sorry for my english, I hope I explained
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