Ajax Pipeling - Server Side doesn`t work for me
Ajax Pipeling - Server Side doesn`t work for me

At first i get the css, the datatables.js and afterwards i start with the ajax pipelining code and after all i initialize it - here it is:
My serverside script is like that:
So i have my css, js and the serverside(php) part... .
What is my mistake?
I get no error in the console and it is freezed in the processing part.
I watched the network analyzer part and it has been stopped so there is nothing, where the script is trying to get or load.
Can somebody please help me?
By the way here is my debug log:
I use on my test server, PHP Version 5.5.11
i solved it - it is all correct. But i didn´t include my functions.php so the getonlytime function, which i use in the formatter area is not defined... . For my bad there were no console errors.