
negative float values showing an extra digit
jquery.dataTables.js @ line 14055
--- var floatPart = precision ? (decimal+(d - intPart).toFixed( precision )).substring( 2 ):'';
+++ var floatPart = precision ? (decimal+(d - intPart).toFixed( precision )).replace('-', '').substring( 2 ):'';
This discussion has been closed.
Nice one thanks for pointing this out! I'll commit the fix when I get back into the office on Monday.
Sorry, I was a bit tied up at the start of the week. I've just committed a fix here: https://github.com/DataTables/DataTablesSrc/commit/89ab148ad45a . When taking into account the currency symbol (
) I had to make a couple of other changes as well, but this will be the 1.10.1 release and is now in the nightly.Thanks again!
Thank you Allan