Horizontal scroll not working after using draw() function
Horizontal scroll not working after using draw() function

I'm trying to use data tables in my app because this is great tool, o think.
But i don't know how to fix one issue)
I'm creating table with parameters like in code below:
dTable = table.dataTable({
"ordering": false,
"searching": false,
"paging": false,
"scrollY": 200, //it can be any value(but 0 not recommended)
"info": false,
"orderCellsTop": true,
"columns": dTableColumns
dTableColumns array is an array of columns (i need >20 columns)
When table initialized horizontal scroll works fine. But depends on user properties i have to do .row.add('setting '+setting).draw() and also show and hide columns
after using draw() function horizontal scroll stop working and I can't find solution how to resolve this problem.
I tried to use scrollX: true and columns.adjust(), but nothing changed
Can you help me pls?