Growing Offset in Data Tables
Growing Offset in Data Tables

I've been using FixedColumns.js and noticed that in larger tables the columns become offset to each other, and this grows the further down in the table you look. This only happens in Internet Explorer, not in Google Chrome or FireFox. Apparently this is because IE9 introduced subpixel font rendering, and now calculate and render height/width with float values. I was able to fix this by adding 1 pixel onto the end of the iHeight under _fnEqualiseHeights.
if ( $.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 8 )
$(anClone[i]).children().height( iHeight-iBoxHack );
$(anOriginal[i]).children().height( iHeight-iBoxHack );
//anClone[i].style.height = iHeight+"px";
//anOriginal[i].style.height = iHeight+"px";
anClone[i].style.height = iHeight+1+"px";
anOriginal[i].style.height = iHeight+1+"px";
It's a bit of a dirty fix and I was wondering if anyone else encountered this problem, and if so, how you fixed it
Actually that was the only fix I could find
Thanks for your post. I've just checked my demos in IE11 and the seem to run okay. Are you seeing the problem on this site's demos, or is it only in a specific case?
Well I was running them in IE9, and it was just a specific case with FixedColumns(oTable)