yadcf plugin not working with datatables 1.10
yadcf plugin not working with datatables 1.10

I"m trying to use the above plugin, but I get an error when I call the plugin: "Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function"
I've verified that the plugin has been loaded. Here is how I am calling the plugin:
oTable = $('#FE_Time_Table').DataTable( {
"ajax":{"url": 'FE_Data.php', "dataSrc":'data'},
"jQueryUI": true, //Allow use of jquery-ui plug-in for themes
"dom": 'W<"H"frCi>tS<"">', //Settings for where all the options appear on the page
"columns": [
{ "name": "plate_no", "data": "plate_no", "className": "center_text" },
{ "name": "job_no", "data": "job_no", "className": "center_text" },
{ "name": "customer", "data": "customer" },
{ "name": "device", "data": "device" },
}).yadcf([{column_number : 0}]); //This is where the code errors.
Can't link in jsfiddle because it doesn't have this library