Custom pagination Ex.(First,Previous,[1],2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Next,Last)
Custom pagination Ex.(First,Previous,[1],2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Next,Last)

Unfortunately, after browsing through the documentation, I did not see anything regarding to customizing the number of pages displayed in the pagination.
By default, datatables' pagination is hard to use when there are 1000+ pages (10 rows per page/not negotiable :P ) as going from page 1 to page 500 will take you 499 clicks in the [Next] button.
In initial load the pagination would be displayed as
If were to go to page 500, I would click page [5], and the result would be:
And from here it will be a painfully repeating of clicking the Next button until page 500.
So my question would be, it possible to behave like this?
then clicking page 7 will result to this:
Or better yet:
(First, Previous 10 ,[1],2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, Next 10 ,Last)
Click Next 10 will be:
(First, Previous 10 ,[11],12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20, Next 10 ,Last)
Hopefully there is a solution that pure uses paging numbers (no dropdowns to select page number/no textbox to manually input desired page). As we are using datatables to replace the asp:datagrid(See to check how asp:datagrid pagination works.