Column filtering and Ajax Loading
Column filtering and Ajax Loading

I am trying to get the code working on page:
with an ajax loading the data.
I searched the forum, but the answers seem to reflect a different version of the datatables. (tried them too, but failed)
When I load the data with ajax and use the multi-filter I see the select boxes, but no values in the select
Any suggestions ?
And a suggestion how I can add the selectbox to only 1 column ?
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Aha... found the first part of my question on how to get teh values in the column
I had to insert the code in the initComplete call (code below)
Now only have to figure out how to do it on only 1 column.
$(document).ready(function() {
var table = $('#example').DataTable(
"sAjaxSource": "mydatasource.php",
"initComplete": function
( )
} );
haha... I am on a roll...
Maybe not the most efficient way (suggestions welcome)
But what I do now is include a column selection. If the column is not what I need, then return.
$("#example tfoot th").each( function ( i ) {
if (i!=4){return;} <== only do the filtering for column 4
var select = $('<select><option value=""></option></select>')
full code , hopefully with better markup for reference