Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function for DataTable inline edit
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function for DataTable inline edit

with reference to above link, I am trying to implement edit functionality in my Data Table.
I have followed exact steps and code provided in the above link except my json data source is different.
The url I have mentioned in ajax and respective data is as mentioned below:
<?php echo $this->config->base_url('api/categoryList')?>
{"aaData":[{"client_Id":"","categoryId":"1","categoryName":"Individual","categoryDescription":"","lastUpdatedBy":""},{"client_Id":"","categoryId":"2","categoryName":"Firm","categoryDescription":"","lastUpdatedBy":""},{"client_Id":"","categoryId":"3","categoryName":"Private Limited Company","categoryDescription":"","lastUpdatedBy":""},{"client_Id":"","categoryId":"5","categoryName":"company","categoryDescription":"","lastUpdatedBy":""}]}
I am using codeigniter php framework and REST API to return json data.
I want to implement CRUD operation within the data Table.
Thank you.