ColVis + FixedHeader cause js error in IE9 when clicking checkboxes
ColVis + FixedHeader cause js error in IE9 when clicking checkboxes

Amazing plug-in; it's been a complete lifesaver for me.
I am using the newest versions of FixedHeader and ColVis in conjunction and I'm having an issue in IE9 with the ColVis checkboxes. Everything works perfectly in Chrome. In IE9, however, although hiding columns (unchecking) works just fine, I get the following js error from the FixedHeader.js when I try to check a box to show a column:
0x800a138f - Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to set value of the property 'className': object is null or undefined
Also note that the ColVis shows and hides perfectly without the FixedHeader extension.
I am very new to web design, so excuse me if this is a glaring mistake on my part.
Here is my js relevant to the ColVis and FixedHeader.
$(document).ready(function() {
var table = $('#reportTable').DataTable(
{ "iDisplayLength": -1,
"bPaginate": true,
"bLengthChange": false,
"bFilter": true,
"bInfo": false,
"bAutoWidth": true,
"bJQueryUI": false,
"dom": 'C<"clear">lrtip',
"aoColumnDefs": [
"bVisible":false, "aTargets": [7,8,9,12,13,14,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37]
colVis: {
title:"Monthly Vol",
columns: [7,8,9]
title: "Prof-Other",
columns: [12,13,14]
title: "Costs",
columns: [27,28,29,30,31,32]
title: "Other Cost Breakdown",
columns: [33,34,35,36,37]
paging: false } );
new $.fn.dataTable.FixedHeader(table);
} );