Problem with FixedColumns and
Problem with FixedColumns and

Hi everyone,
I would like to begin this post by apologies for my english, I'm french and I don't use Google Translate :)
So, my problem :
I try to use Datatables FixedColumns extension with "<input>" "text" inside the cells to unable editing (screenshot : ).
After analysing the behaviour of the javascript, I understood that the javascript of FixedColumns extensions generate, in the final html code, 2 datatables.
A first one with the all colums defined in "table" in the original user html code (" class='display datatable' " after javascript generation) and a second one which is a clone of the 2 first columns (" class='display datatable DTFC_Cloned' " after javascript generation).
The problem is that all the "<input>" "text" of the 2 first columns are cloned with the same name (screenshot : ) and when I submit my "form" with POST "method", the system doesn't choose a value between the 2 input but it send to the server both value seperated with a comma (ex : "Allo, Allo") even for blank value.
The POST "method" has a normal behavior and I can't modify it. I know that the ultimate solution is to test the concatenate value in my jsp code but I'd prefere to clean directly the html code.
Someone has an idea ?
Thanks a lot for reading me