Combining colreorder with html components in the header.
Combining colreorder with html components in the header.

jsfiddle for reference:
Using ColReorder 1.1.2; DataTables 1.10.1; jquery 1.10.1
I have a datatable and am using colReorder.
When I add a textinput in the header for filtering, it's almost as though the event gets captured and I'm unable to use a mouse click to set focus to the input (tabbing works fine and all functionality works like a champ). I attempted 'preventingDefault', which at least kept the column re-order function from firing, but doesn't appear to help the issue.
any ideas?
Thank you in advance!!
I'll probably just edit the source in _fnMouseListener (or the listener that calls it) to validate that the textInput isn't the target that the user is clicking.
As an aside, it might be nice to have an init option that flags an icon for dragging functionality. This would probably help others who are having issues with column resizing. Great extension tho'!!