Empty cells breaking column searching
Empty cells breaking column searching

First off, many thanks for this excellent resource - Great plugin, website, docs and community.
I think I may have found a problem with individual column searching, but I'm a new user of Data Tables so I could be completely wrong : ]
I have just upgraded a web application from Data Tables 1.94 to 1.10 and I am seeing a problem with searching on an individual column: the filter field will not match any column data if there are empty cells in preceeding columns.
If I set a breakpoint in datatables.js -> (line 2841). The _fnFilterColumn function tries to reference _aFilterData[6] which does not exist - the data we need is actually in _aFilterData[5].
I was able to reproduce the problem by taking the example code from: http://datatables.net/examples/api/multi_filter.html and simply removing a value from a random table cell - this will then stop the row being matched by a column search in any following column.
I can confirm this problem, I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure this one out. Thanks tokenGeordie.
Is there any news on this issue?
Looks like it was fixed in 1.10.2.