displaying object in datatables

displaying object in datatables

Json_LearnerJson_Learner Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited August 2014 in Free community support

Hi there,

Sorry for the newbie questions, I've a problem on displaying data into data tables, i'm doing this with local json, php and javascript, so here's the code i'm using


var json_parsed = $.parseJSON(data);

for (var i = 0; i < json_parsed.spam_count.length; i++) {
    var spammer_info = json_parsed.spam_count[i];


[Data Tables]

"Data": spammer_info,




Object {spam_count: Array[2]}
spam_count: Array[2]
0: Object
event_id: "1"
spam_count: "1000"
user_id: "2"
user_name: "bbb"
proto: Object
1: Object
event_id: "2"
spam_count: "0"
user_id: "1"
user_name: "aaa"
proto: Object
length: 2
proto: Array[0]
proto: Object


Object {user_id: "2", event_id: "1", spam_count: "1000", user_name: "bbb"}
Object {user_id: "1", event_id: "2", spam_count: "0", user_name: "aaa"}

I feel that I'm close enough of getting what i want, however i still couldn't make it works, really desperate for the answers, plus i'm quite confused with which one( or variables) to be used to display properly in data tables, array? objects ? Other than that, when everything can be display properly, I'll add the checkbox in every display rows


  • Json_LearnerJson_Learner Posts: 2Questions: 1Answers: 0

    by the way, i'm trying to display an object directly to the datatables, instead of using ajax source or text file or even processing script

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