Header widths calculated incorrectly in Firefox

Header widths calculated incorrectly in Firefox

tikabomtikabom Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited August 2014 in Free community support

I have a Datatable instance that is initially hidden and is displayed on a button click.
I used columns.adjust().draw() on the button click to recalculate column widths to fix header alignment. This works perfectly for Chrome. But on Firefox the headers are still a little off, due to which the sorting options on the header are not visible.

Here's the screen shot from Chrome: https://www.dropbox.com/s/650f7t15iw05xn1/chrome.JPG

Here's the screen shot from Firefox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/d6gj94naskkkgy8/firefox.JPG

As you can see, the last column header "Date Modified" has moved out of the scroll bar.

I am also using the scrollY scrollY option. Is there any fix for this?

DataTables 1.10 scrollY Header Alignment Firefox

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