datatable does not work after control event and certain user control gets broken.

datatable does not work after control event and certain user control gets broken.

helloworldhelloworld Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I just use datatables as a solution for fixed header and column on my page. I'm using repeater as the constructor of the table, then put in some custom user controls. One of the control is a date picker that has an icon once click a small month calendar dangles beneath to let user pick the date. That date picker no longer worked (icon not responding and showing the month calendar).

Another issue happens on post back. On one of the control I have autopostback set up. When page opens at first, the datatable looks fine with the horizontal and vertical scrolls and fixed columns. But when I hit the control and triggers postback, the table breaks the scrolls and the columns were not fixed.

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