Memory Leak when refreshing DataTable

Memory Leak when refreshing DataTable

jsitujsitu Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited August 2014 in Free community support

This is my code, I am trying to reload my datatable every 60 second

$scope.refreshDashboardTimer[index] = $interval(function(){
}, 60000);

When I open my Chrome Task Manager, I could notice memory increases slowing every time the table reload itself. When I ran a profiler for the page I got this:

This is the 1st snapshot last around 1 minute:

This is the 2nd snapshot a few minutes after the 1st snapshot, last for about 1 minute:

From the graph I could tell the object count & array size keeps increasing for a certain period of time, maybe they are not being properly garbage collected?

The dropdown for those massive array are a whole bunch of "transition array" which does not make any sense to me:

I am sure I unbind all the cell/row event before I clear the table, anyone could help on this issue please?

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